Contact Details - UKAMB Fill Contact Form for more Information


Prefer to contact us directly?

Send us an email to

As UKAMB is staffed by volunteers, we do not have a contact number. The quickest and safest way to contact us is via the contact form and we will do our best to respond to you within a few days.

If you prefer, you can contact your nearest milk bank which you can find here.

If you have a breastfeeding problem, please refer to our Breastfeeding Support page. If you have a medical problem, then contact your GP, Health Visitor or NHS 24.

Please tell us how we can help you?
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UKAMB supports non-profit milk banks by assisting them to fully implement NICE Guideline and to provide safe, screened human donor milk, fully track and trace compliance across the UK and Ireland. UKAMB also recognizes the responsibility and duty of care of milk banks in ensuring donors, donor's infants and recipients are protected from harm by donating or receiving donor human milk.